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Top 5 houseplants for your healthier home

Did you know that having houseplants can have a hugely positive influence on your health? It’s no secret that Indoor plants can immensely help your immune system and overall mental well-being. 

If you are just getting started with plant parenting and want to adopt a new plant, we would highly recommend getting these 5 plants that are easy to maintain and beyond beneficial for your health. 

1. Snake Plant 

Snake Plant is a very unique looking plant that is probably the top choice when it comes to getting a new plant, and not just only for the stunning look, this plant is beautiful inside out. The biggest health benefit that comes with Snake Plant is that it produces the most oxygen on top of purifying the overall air quality at your home or office.  Low air quality has been linked to many various health issues, therefore having a Snake Plant around can also be preventive for numerous allergies as well.

2. Rubber Plant


Another beautiful addition to your house is the Rubber Plant. A lot of people are afraid that oftentimes house plants  produce pollen which creates allergic reactions but not in case of the Rubber Plant since this one can be placed anywhere in the room without any fear of the allergies. Rubber Plant is an easy-care plant and is also widely used to heal the skin rashes.

3. Spider Plant 


If you are looking for a healthy plant which is also super adoptable then Spider Plant is a great pick for you. Numerous studies have suggested that Spider Plant eliminates up to 95% of the toxins from the air but that’s not all, you know how sometimes you see the plant, you love it and want to take it home and turns out it’s not so friendly for your pets? Well, this is not the case of the Spider Plant, your pets will be just fine and all safe and sound around this stunning new plant at your place. 

4. Dracaena Marginata 

top-houseplants-for-your-healthier-homeDracaena Marginata is one of the toughest plants out there, even if you neglect this plant to death it will still stay resilient, although if you just provide a bit of water and light then it will return the favor by bringing many health benefits to your place. Dracaena Marginata is listed on NASA’s list of top air purifying plants and is probably best when it comes to removing toxins such as Xylene and Benzene out of the air you and your loved one’s breath. 

5. Pothos Ivy 


 If you are just getting started with indoor plants Pothos Ivy also known as Good Luck Plant is the one you should definitely consider. This plant is beyond easy and adoptable, make sure you water it just a couple of times every two or three weeks. Pothos Ivy can be a major force for your purified air at home. This is an excellent potion for increasing humidity which ultimately can help you prevent colds and influenza.  

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