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Top 5 Houseplants For Your Bedroom

Bring the outside to your bedroom with our pick of houseplants.

Bedroom plants can do so much more than just a decoration, they can take your mood to the next level, increase your creativity, enhance your productivity and decrease your stress level.

A lot of people do not realize the true importance of air quality, especially in the place where we sleep and spend the majority of the time. Various things such as furniture, carpets, and paintings can pollute your indoor air quality with different toxins. Adding some plants to your place can help purify the air you breathe on a daily basis.

Here is your pick of the top bedroom plants:


top-bedroom-plants1. English ivy
The great thing about English ivy is that it absorbs formaldehyde from the air. This plant is beyond easy to take care of and is even impossible to kill. The heart-shaped leaves come in many different visually appealing variations and can definitely turn your bedroom into a nice green gateway. Make sure you keep this one away from pets and children.

Care Tips. Water thoroughly. From spring to fall make sure you keep the soil evenly moist; slightly drier during the winter. Put this plant in bright but not in direct sunlight.


top-bedroom-plants2. Aloe vera

If you are looking for a plant that filters out indoor air throughout the day and night then Aloe Vera is probably your top option. Listen among NASA’s top air-purifying plants, Aloe Vera is your perfect night sleep guarantee. Taking care of this plant does not require a lot of experience or time so if you are a beginner or have a strict schedule this plant can easily adjust to your busy lifestyle or lack of experience and even do just fine on its own most of the time.

Care Tips. In order to keep your Aloe Vera growing and looking fresh, you will have to place it in a bright, preferably sunny part of your bedroom. You will need to water this plant heavily once every two weeks.


3. Golden Pothos
Purify your bedroom from the air from toxins and eliminate odors with Golden Pothos. This extremely low-maintenance plant is also great at filtering out carbon monoxide and benzene. Golden Pothos is also considered to be a very attractive plant. This plant will grow and thrive in any position or condition.

Care Tips. Be careful when it comes to watering as too much overwatering could be the cause of the rotting of the roots. Clean the leaves with a damp cloth every week to keep them looking fresh.



4. Monstera

You've probably seen Monstera on various Instagram feeds, it’s because this glossy beauty does not require much maintenance, and it’s a fairly popular houseplant. Monstera comes in handy the most when humidifying air conditions and purifying the overall air in your bedroom, adding interest to the empty parts of your place.

Care Tips. Monstera requires moderate watering. They also need average to high humidity levels. If you happen to live in a dry climate, we recommend you give your Monstera mist in the morning. If you want to see this plant thrive at its best make sure you fertilize it once a month during the summer and spring seasons, whereas in fall and winter you can cut down on watering and focus more on fertilizing.


5. Dracaena

Another highly popular indoor plant to fill the free spaces in your bedroom is Dracaena. The height of this plant can reach up to 3 feet so make sure you provide enough room for it to grow well. Since this plant enjoys light, placing it near a window will be just enough to maintain its well-being. Outside of looking really attractive, this plant does a great job removing chemicals causing various health issues such as headaches, anemia, and kidney diseases.
Care Tips. Dracaenas can go a fairly long time without being watered, but that does not mean that they do not enjoy being moist. Make sure you place this plant at a warm temperature for it to thrive. Fertile your Dracaenas once or twice throughout the spring-summer season.

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